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In this audio episode of The Handyguys Podcast, we discuss if giving a pre-teen free rein on painting her room with her friends is a good idea, we then discuss a vexing issue with Paul’s kitchen sink faucet.
Pre-teen Painting
She is 12, she wanted her room painted. She wanted to DIY. It was her birthday. Handyguy Brian decided to let his daughter pick her own room color and let her have her friends come over for a painting party. In the podcast Brian and Paul discuss how things went.
The girls didn’t get too far before running out of paint. Maybe that was because a lot got on the ceiling. Maybe it was due to three rollers getting soaked in paint. Maybe it was due to spills. Regardless the painting party only got so far which left half of the room for Handyguy Brian and his Handygirl wife to finish.
Handyguy Brian’s daughter used some Jig-a-patch from True Value where we also got the EZ Care paint. She patch up holes and defects caused by posters and picture hooks. The key to using jig-a-patch is to not spray too much filler. A little goes a long way. We then liberally masked everything off with Frog Tape. We discovered Frog Tape last year and love it. It does a better job than traditional masking tape. The line left behind is perfect.
Handyguy Brian attempted to educate the gaggle of teens on proper painting techniques. Oh well.
Finished Product
Handyguy Brian and his wife finished up the painting and here are the results.
Would I let my kids paint their room again? Yes. It was a fun time, a learning experience for the girls (I hope) and I think it came out pretty nice. The color wouldn’t have been my first choice but I don’t need to look at it too much. Were there mishaps? Yes – paint on the ceiling, paint on the carpet (despite many tarps), paint on the trim and lots and lots of paint on themselves. Fortunately it was water-based paint and cleaned up easily.
What do you think? Would you let a bunch of 12 year olds paint a room? Share your experiences and feedback in the comments.
The Kitchen Sink faucet
Handyguy Paul has had a weird problem with his new kitchen faucet. He has mentioned it a few times on the show and he may have a solution which will be discussed in an upcoming video. The faucet has a built-in pull-out sprayer. The entire faucet pulls out, not a separate sprayer. When the faucet hasn’t been used in a while the initial water looks foamy. Paul describes it “it’s like the foam when you pour a beer” and it has an oily smell. No other faucets in the house exhibit this behavior. Does anyone know what the problem may be?
We were one of the bloggers selected by True Value to work on the DIY Squad. We have been compensated for our time commitment to the program as well as our writing and productions about our experience. We have also been compensated for the materials needed for our DIY project. However, as always, our opinions are entirely our own and we have not been paid to publish positive comments.
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