Earthquake Safety Tips
There was an earthquake on the east coast today (8-23-2011) which prevented the Handyguys from delivering their weekly audio webcast. It is not completely uncommon for earthquakes to hit the mid-atlantic states*, including our own Pennsylvania, so we decided to feature important east cost earthquake safety tips:

- When building shakes, run immediately for exits. Scream if able.
- Panic.
- Drive around city looking for new cracks in the road. Add to traffic gridlock.
- Call every family member and tie up cell phone network for hours.
- Go home from work early to see if loved ones felt the quake.
- Bring local commerce to halt (see #2 through #4 above)
- Blame earthquake on Obama’s vacation.
- Speak to your children about unexpected events that could cause the usual media panic and alarm.
- Call your friends in California to inquire about aftershocks.
- Order Pizza.
- Listen to Handyguys podcast on hurricane preparedness. Get ready for coming hurricane.
- Dig out old CB scanner and listen to emergency operations.
- Check Liberty Bell for new cracks.
Did Earthquake cause crack to expand? - Find Duct Tape.
East Coast Quake Damage:
Washington, D.C.:


*While this earthquake was reported at 5.9 magnatude, there have been other earthquakes in PA according to the USGS:
- 1984 04 23 – Lancaster County, Pennsylvania – M 4.4
- 1994 01 16 – Pennsylvania – M 4.6
- 1998 09 25 – Pennsylvania – M 5.2
Note: This is a tongue-in-cheek text only post from the Handyguys. There is no audio.