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The Handyguys Podcast discuss some unique stocking stuffer gift ideas for this Christmas season.
So you want to purchase some nice gifts for the handyguy in your life but you don’t want to break the bank. You could go to your local big box store and pick up some screw drivers or duct tape, but that’s kind of boring and what kind of message are you sending? This sort of handyguy gift giving is inefficient and thoughtless. You need to be more intentional about your gift giving while concentrating on the neglected items on the honey-do-list.
For instance, your kitchen counter back splash has some cracked caulk… why not stick a tube of caulk in the stocking? It’s not an exciting gift, but it will surely send your handyguy a hint!
If your handyguy is often working without proper safety glasses, put some Eye Armor safety glasses
in the stocking. They are comfortable, fit over prescription glasses, and will preserve his eyes for all the other honey-do list items!
How about that unfinished basement that you would love to have finished. Stick a copy of Roger German’s Remodeling a Basement (Build Like A Pro) book in the stocking.
If you’re hoping to finally have a green lawn, you will need a soil test kit.
You want some shelves hung, how about a stud finder.
10 Handyguys stocking stuffer ideas!
These 10 items are discussed in detail during the podcast. This list is not complete, there are many interesting and unique items in our Amazon store. Feel free to browse. Purchases through our store help keep The Handyguys Podcast on the air. If you need any specific recommendations for a particular handyguy in your life feel free to contact us and we will help you out. Thank you for your support.
Last year my wife bought me the Worktunes ear protection that also plus into my Ipod. It turned out to be a great present, since I can listen to podcasts while working in the woodshop.
That’s a great idea for a stocking stuffer! Ear protection while listening to The Handyguys Podcast. I’m kicking myself for not thinking of that. Thanks for listening and thanks for the suggestion. That one is definitely going on my Christmas list.
Handyguy Brian