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The Handyguys are sick of snow. Is it time to purchase a new power tool?
If you live anywhere north of the Mason Dixon Line, you are probably fed up with the snow and ice that covers our sidewalks and driveways. For the handyguy budgeting for his or her next power tool, a snow blower may be on your mind. But is a snow blower really the next power tool you want to add to your tool arsenal? Evidently many folks around the country think so as the sales of snow blowers
are on the rise according to Wendy Bounds of the Wall Street Journal. Paul enjoyed reading a pair of articles she wrote recently in his favorite newspaper. Wendy provides a review of several models and outlines the basic varieties of blowers.
Neither Brian nor Paul own a snow blower, and they are as overwhelmed as anyone by all the choices. Should a handyguy purchase a smaller electric shovel
which may remove a few inches of snow, or would a two stage godzilla model be the head turner that is desired? In order to sort this out, the Handyguys interview Wendy Bounds who has tested a small fleet of snow blowers for her WSJ review. As you will find out in this podcast, Bounds has plenty of driveway to give these machines a workout.
The Handyguys and Wendy discuss how the snow blower in every garage effects the very social fabric of our society. Do these machines put the squeeze on local neighborhood youth with an entrepreneurial spirit?
For more information listen to the podcast!
To check out Wendy’s articles in the Wall Street Journal, please visit her blog.
Wendy also did a great video showing her testing the snowblowers.
Thanks Wendy for the interview!
I purchased a snowblower last year and I would agree with Wendy’s assessment that you should definitely look at the larger models. How many people have you heard say, “Jeez I wish I had a smaller snowblower”? Plus, even if you do have a large model, I have found that you can turn the throttle down on the big ones when you don’t want to throw the snow all the way across the block. But you still have all the power when you do need it.
I’m with you and Wendy – if I get one I want the best and the biggest. No sense in buying twice or regretting a purchase.
Nathan — that’s totally true about backing down the throttle. Also, on models with advanced chute controls, you can angle the chute so it throws the snow precisely where you want it, far out, or just a few feet, whatever you need. In the best case scenario, you can change chute position while you are still moving and the auger is still churning thanks to a single hand drive/auger control.
I agree with the buy once and not regret your purchase. You may have to spend more but it’ll be worth it in the end. I hated shoveling the driveway, having a snow blower is so worth it!