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The Handyguys review a plethora of mouse traps all purchased at our local hardware store. Whether you have mice, voles or rats, there is a trap for you.
Why are there so many mouse trap choices? Everyone seems to be trying to build thatĀ proverbialĀ better mousetrap!
Mouse Trap Types
There are two basic choices, to kill the mouse or a catch and release. If you opt for catch and release, please release far, far away from my house!
Kill traps
include various spring and glue traps
Great video guys, I know that here in NC we have had tons of rain which has caused many critters to show up in doors that we are not used to.
I hope you are ready for the gruesome after effects a glue trap entails. Personally, I do not think they should even be legal and it’s sad to see you are considering these traps as one of the options when the rest of the traps either leave the animal unharmed, or kill it quickly and humanely. Glue traps are not quick and inhumane at all, and usually you end up with a distressed, injured animal in a lot of pain.
Thanks for your thoughtful comments. Paul’s mice are still free to dig up his flowerbed.
Great video! My daughter keeps trying to catch the mouse in our house, she wants to keep it as a pet, so I have to catch it before she does, Thanks for the tips!
Loved the blog keep up the pod casts and found this website very intresting anyone else agree?
Good to know the difference. It’s gross enough to know they are in my house, but I think the no kill trap is my trap of choice.
I agree with Debbie – definitely want to avoid the killing route if possible. Thanks for another useful video!!
Good stuff. I remembered when we put down some glue traps and my son found a mouse still alive and stuck. He thought we would peel it off and set it free but it did more harm than good. Once stuck don’t try and release. Haha.
We had an infestation of mice not long after we purchased an adjoining home. A neighbor had their dog food stored outside in a plastic bin. The bin did not stop the mice/rats from getting to the food. My point in sharing the above is to give an idea of what an unchecked food source can invite to your home. There were times I’d catch 5 mice within a matter of a half hour.
I went through a variety of styles…Not aware or knowing how they worked, I first used the glue trap. Let’s just say, I will never use one again. Never!
Next, I used the catch and release model demonstrated in the video. It was extremely effective in catching the mice. But difficult for me to get either the trap door (the one thst snapped closed in the demo) or the one at the back of th e trap. The one at the back pulls off, but if your squeamish about touch a wild animal. This is not the trap for you.
Also, they survive for a very short time in this “catch and release” trap. I had gone to bed at 11:30pm, checked the trap when I woke at 6:30, and the mouse had already died. Lastly, it only worked on the smaller mice (juveniles or house mice). The field mice, rats or larger house mice were never caught with this model.
The enclosed snap trap (similar to the one on the video) was very effective too but expensive!
Next, I purchased a metal trap that could hold a mass quantity of rodents. It was much more expensive and the most ineffective. This trap was like a playground for the rodents, but never caught one nevermind masses.
Finally, I landed on contained poison unit. Actually, 5 of those units. This was the most effective of everything I tried. And I set them both inside and outside. There are at least 2 sizes for mice and rats. Once these were set, it took about a week to see less and less activity. It’s been months now, and still no mice. My ocd self is so very excited by this and terrified that they may return.
Hope my experience can help you. Good luck!!!
Thanks for the input!