When to Replace a Water Heater
Water heaters are an energy intensive appliance. They are the second largest energy user in the home, and as they age they become less efficient, requiring even more energy.
The Handyguys estimate the average water heater needs to be replaced every 10 to 12 years. However, just because your heater is a decade old does not mean that it is ready to be replaced. A new quiz on KnowYourWaterHeater.com helps homeowners decide if and when they should pull the plug on their current heater. The quiz asks questions about the age and usage of the heater as well as your location in order to decide when to get a new heater.
The Handyguys also suggest a tankless water heater that takes up less space and only heats when you need heat. Although the tankless heater costs more to get starter, it can last 5-10 years longer than a regular storage tank water heater. The most efficient option is a gas heater
that can be hooked up to a propane tank if there is no gas line running through your neighborhood. This heater is much more cost efficient than an electric heater that can increase an electric bill by as much as a third of your electric monthly bill.
Thanks to PERC for the inspiration for this show.