Antennas for Cord Cutter: Leaf vs. Aerial
In their last video, Handyguys Brian and Paul talked about how to get free over-the-air TV with the TabloTV DVR system. In this video, the Handyguys talk more about cord cutting in terms of the advantages and disadvantages between a Mohu Leaf
and an aerial antenna
. Handyguy Paul starts off by saying that bigger antennas yield to better reception. He says that is a great site the best one for your location. This website also tells you where your HD signal is and which way you want to aim your device. Where you aim your antenna is important as it can determine what quality of channels and which channels that you receive at home.
Ideally, antennas should be placed on a roof, but you can also mount them in your attic with a mast. Handyguy Paul’s aerial antenna is mounted in his attic and is connected to a coax cable that goes to the basement. Sometimes coax cables
are already connected to an attic, in which case, it is really easy to mount and connect your antenna.
Handyguy Brian compares this old school antenna with a sleek, paper-like Mohu Leaf. The reviews for this antenna are generally great, but Handyguys Paul is skeptical that the Leaf can get any channels. The Handyguys tested the Leaf in Handyguy Paul’s basement, and relieved Handyguy Paul’s skepticism.
You can check which Moho Leaf will work for you at You put your address into this site and it will recommend which product is good for you much like does.
Handyguys Brian and Paul finish off by warning the user to make sure that the antenna that they are using can receive whichever channel that your area primarily has, whether VHF vs. UHF. With the Leaf, Handyguy Paul noticed that he was not receiving the channels that he usually does with the his aerial antenna.