In this video, Handyguys Brian and Paul talk about the benefits of using LED Shop Lights over fluorescent lighting. While these lights may be more expensive than the fluorescent lighting, they are better quality and worth every cent. All of the products in this video are available through Amazon and the affiliate stores.
LED Lights
Shop lights are an important component of every workspace. In this video, these lights are all aluminum and assembled in the USA, but more importantly, these lights are all LED. The lights specifically in this video are Lights of America LED Shop Lights that Handyguy Paul has purchased.
LED Lights vs. Fluorescent Lights
LED Shop Lights do not break easily unlike fluorescent lights. They are also much lighter and brighter than fluorescent lights. These are great lights for working with those small pieces in your workspace or filming a video because they don’t have that irritating background hum that fluorescent lights have. These lights are also very reliable and last for up to 50,000 hours.
The LED Lights in this video were about $40 for 2 which is more than the typical fluorescent lights. However, these lights are more durable and are better quality than any shop fluorescent lighting. LED shop lights
are a great replacement for the traditional fluorescent workshop lighting.

I have LED shop lights in my Shed. Another great thing is they are not affected by cold winter temperatures like fluorescent lights are.