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Water powered backup sump pumps
Never have water in your basement again due to a failed sump pump or a power outage. Water powered sump pumps do not require any electricity to operate.

In this episode, we address backup sump pumps, in particular water-powered sump pumps. We were contacted by a listener via twitter and asked if we had recommendations for a backup pump. We knew of a few brands and types but our question was specifically about water powered pumps. After a little bit of research, we found Base Products Corporation makes just such a system called the Basepump. They were gracious enough to send a pump to our listener so we could interview him about the install and the product. Thanks. The pump mark that was sent can be purchased through Amazon by following this link Basepump

In this show, we discuss how the pump operates, how it’s installed, how to choose a pump, and most importantly why you would want to install something like this if you are finishing a basement. Listen to the podcast for all the details.
If you are considering finishing your basement, water control is one of the most critical things to think about. Check out our other shows related to finishing your basement by clicking on the Basement Series button.
Great Stuff! Thanks for the post.. Was just cruising through the blog list. I’ll be back!
Great blog. Hubby and I were landlords for many years. Oh how we could have used this site then! We still can use this site – but probably won’t need it hourly! lol
Also, thanks for listing me as a friend on Blog Catalog. You have a good thing going here.
Thanks DaniG – feel free to drop us a line if you have any particular topics you would like to see covered.
Truly it’s a great blog.I had water in my basement due to a failed sump pump, which resulted in damage of my ceiling in the basement. I think I need this Water powered backup sump pumps for my home. I will look forward to purchase it in the near future.
Good idea
That was very nice to give the listner a base pump. I actually learned something today! Thanks for the related shows To…
Great information. I will definitely share this information with others. I just wanted to provide a little clarification about your statement regarding removal of stinky carpets that result from failed sump pumps. As a restoration contractor working with insurance companies I have to tell you that it is currently not industry protocal to remove carpet after a sump pump failure; unless the water has been sitting in the basement for 3 or more days. Insurance companies require the removal of the carpet pad, if present, but the industry standard is to clean the carpet and replace the pad. If a homeowner removes their carpet after a sump pump loss, it might not be covered by your insurance carrier. Industry studies show that the carpet can be properly cleaned.
Great tip. Thanks for the information!
We have a water back up sump pump, but all of a sudden it is pumping the water back into the pit instead of out. what is happening
It could be many things. First I would determine the check valve hasn’t failed.
Here’s a little clarification on how the Basepump operates. It is simply a venturi principle; injectors / ejectors are widely used in industry and aboard ships and boats for various kinds of pumping. Here’s a Wiki link; when you look at it, you’ll see right away how it works. (Don’t slap your forehead too hard. 😉
If the wiki link is too technical for anyone, try this video explanation instead.
Thanks, appreciate the other comments on here also, the wiki injector url was very handy in understanding how they work!