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The Handyguys look at some subtle differences between two models of Sawzall reciprocating saw and discuss when you would want each.
Choosing a Sawzall
Milwaukee Tools sent The Handyguys a press release describing two new Sawzalls. At first glance, the specifications seemed the same.
6509-31 SAWZALL Recip Saw |
6519-31 SAWZALL Recip Saw |
The only difference is the “stroke length”. What is the benefit of a longer stroke? When would you prefer a shorter stroke? In this video, The Handyguys actually do a test to see the differences in making a cut with each version. We were surprised at how noticeable the differences are!
The shorter 3/4 stroke length is ideal for better control in tight areas, while the longer 1-1/8 stroke length delivers more aggressive cuts for heavy demolition. Both saws do an awesome job cutting through wood embedded with nails (a common thing in demolition). See them in action, along with a much older Sawzall for comparison.
Our longtime fans may recall we did a similar “test” a while back where we compared a corded Milwaukee Sawzall to Makita Cordless reciprocating saw. We used an almost identical methodology in this video.
We hope you find this information useful when shopping for a reciprocation saw. Thanks for checking it out.
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Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation has provided The Handyguys the products used in this evaluation. However, the opinions of The Handyguys are entirely our own and we have not been paid to make positive comments.
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